Publications from Greenresilient
Publications from the Greenresilient project including articles in the farmers' press etc. are made available on Organic Eprints.
- Greenresilient
GreenResilient publications: Latest additions to the Organic Eprints archive
Hauenstein, Samuel; Rochat, Armelle and Schwitter, Patricia (2022) Mulch de transfert dans les serres biologiques. 1 edition. Fiche technique. FiBL, CH-Frick. Mulch de transfert dans les serres biologiques -
Tittarelli, Fabio; Willekens, Koen; Alsanius, Beatrix and Kemper, Laura (2021) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “Organic and biodynamic vegetable production in low-energy GREENhouses – sustainable, RESILIENT and innovative food production systems - GREENRESILIENT”. . Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “Organic and biodynamic vegetable production in low-energy GREENhouses – sustainable, RESILIENT and innovative food production systems - GREENRESILIENT” -
Hauenstein, Samuel and Rochat, Armelle (2021) Transfer mulch in organic greenhouse crops. Greenresilient Practice Abstracts. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Transfer mulch in organic greenhouse crops -
Nielsen, Stig Feodor (2020) Åbent hus i økogrøntsager. GartnerTidende, 17 September 2020, 11, pp. 36-37. Åbent hus i økogrøntsager -
Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Vivere il green europeo: Agricoltura e allevamenti sostenibili. . [Unpublished] Vivere il green europeo: Agricoltura e allevamenti sostenibili -
Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) I risultati e le prospettive future della ricerca in agricoltura biologica e biodinamica. Il progetto Greenresilient e la Food Citizenship. . [Unpublished] I risultati e le prospettive future della ricerca in agricoltura biologica e biodinamica. Il progetto Greenresilient e la Food Citizenship -
Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Innovative systems for organic greenhouse production: transnational European Project just ended (press release). Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) , Rome. Innovative systems for organic greenhouse production: transnational European Project just ended (press release) -
Takacs, J; Messelink, Gerben and Woelke, J (2019) Effect of entomopathogenic fungi as root endophyte on the development of a specialist & generalist herbivore. Poster at: Dutch Entomology Day, December 13, 2019. [Unpublished] Effect of entomopathogenic fungi as root endophyte on the development of a specialist & generalist herbivore -
Messelink, Gerben (2019) Functional biodiversity with soilborne fungi to suppress greenhouse pests. Wageningen University and Research. Online at <>, accessed on: 30 January 2019. Functional biodiversity with soilborne fungi to suppress greenhouse pests -
Affrait, Laura (2020) Amélioration de la durabilité des systèmes maraîchers biologiques sous abris : le projet Greenresilient. Thesis, Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique(GRAB) . HAL. Amélioration de la durabilité des systèmes maraîchers biologiques sous abris : le projet Greenresilient