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Work package 3: Crop yield, nutrients availability and soil fertility assessment

Work package 3 aims at assessing the impact of agricultural practices implemented in regular and innovative cropping systems on soil fertility and crop yield at all five experimental sites. A strict synergy with the activities carried out in work package 2 (Resilient cropping systems) and work package 4 (Soil health and functional biodiversity) is needed. Soil chemical analysis will be carried out on behalf of the budget of the partners carrying out the greenhouse experiments (CREA, GRAB, ILVO/PCG, Agroscope/FiBL, AU-FOOD). Apart a minimum common data set for system comparison, soil parameters to be analysed and number and timing of soil samplings will be decided in consultation with partners involved in greenhouse experiments, taking into account local condition.


  • Task 3.1: Nutrients availability and potential leaching
  • Task 3.2: Surface Nitrogen input/output balance and long term soil fertility assessment


Koen Willekens, ILVO, Work package leader

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